
Logo and CI guide branding solution
A professionally designed logo for your new business or brand with full development, application examples and comprehensive CI guide.
The complete solution for your new business logo or new brand identity. You will get three ideas to choose from then further development and examples of multiple applications are presented to include in the CI guide. The guide will contain all the information needed by anyone applying your new CI or branding including logo explanations, logo positioning, logo placement, variation usage, colour specifications, corporate font usage, typography, stationery design and specification. Your final logo variations and CI guide are supplied on CD all ready to use in print and on screen.
Logo and CI guide branding solution £4495
The benefits include:
- FREE initial consultation
- A new logo designed and ready to use
- Comprehensive CI guide supplied as a PDF on your CD including stationery design and full specifications ready to print
- Two examples of how your new logo will be applied
- Variations in mono, spot, RGB and 4-colour on CD for use in print and on screen.
You also get:
- FREE delivery to your address
- FREE advice on further design, marketing and promotion
Plus — with your first package or solution:
- A free PROBIZ Edge™ business advice workshop worth £293
- £100 off any of our other packages or solutions within the next year
Branding Solutions… Keeping it Simple
- Branding design & application
- Creating your business brands.
- Logo only branding
- A professionally designed logo for your new business or brand.
- GetStarted
- Professionally designed logo and stationery for your new business.
- Logo and usage guide
- A professionally designed logo for your new business or brand with full development, application examples and usage guide.
- Logo and CI guide
- A professionally designed logo for your new business or brand with full development, application examples and comprehensive CI guide.
Our Services What we do…
- Advertising
One off ads or full campaigns. You can expect quality art direction and copywriting with total project management to deal with artwork and publications.
- Blog creation
A Blog (or Weblog) is an online diary where viewers can add comments. You can have one as part of a new or existing website or if you wish as a stand alone site.
- Copywriting
For use in advertising, brochures, websites or technical documents you will get expertly written copy or meticulous copy editing.
- Customer surveys
Often the first step is to gauge your customers opinions. You may wish to use focus groups, telephone interviews or written/online surveys.
- Direct Marketing
Using a range of media, a direct marketing effort is undertaken to generate a specific response which can be tracked and measured.
- E-commerce solutions
Online selling is still growing rapidly. There are many solutions available to help you sell your products and services to a worldwide audience.
- E-marketing
Usually part of the direct marketing activity. E-shots and online activity in the form of mini sites can be very cost effective tools.
- Event marketing
Our associates are on hand to share their vast experience in all scales of event marketing worldwide.
- Exhibitions, displays & instore
Everything from banner stands and pop-up displays to custom exhibition builds and instore displays, including point-of-sale.
- Graphic design
The majority of our activities depend on our core discipline - design. You have at your disposal a world class team.
- Illustration
Our professional illustrators offer traditional and contemporary drawing skills including airbrush, calligraphy, caricatures and digital illustration.
- Interactive presentations
Compiled using which ever tools are most appropriate in either powerpoint, html, flash or keynote for all levels of interaction.
- Media planning & buying
An important part of your advertising campaign is choosing the right publications. Our associates will do this for you and make the most of your budget.
- New media
Traditional forms of presentation are constantly being transformed into digital formats. Lately there is growing interest in our touchscreen capabilities.
- Photography
Commercial photographers and art directors are always on hand for national and international commissions for all types of project.
- PR
A very important and cost effective part of your marketing activity. We can offer sector specific expertise for all PR activity.
- Print production & buying
Many years of trade print buying means you get the best prices and the best service without getting tangled up in the complexities.
- Web based software solutions
A growing proportion of online activity now consists of management applications to allow online working and collaborative sites with user generated content.
- Web design, development & management
Unlimited possibilities are available to you in this area. You have a young development team with outstanding ability and cutting edge skills.
- Web marketing
Everyone wants their site to be at the top of a Google search or getting maximum traffic. There are a number of tools at our disposal to achieve this.