If you’re looking for a new website or already have one, getting visitors to your website is a primary goal. SEO or Search Engine Optimisation is the set of techniques which will help you achieve this goal.
The SEO industry helps companies with a web presence achieve better rankings within search engines. There are a lot of different methods used by SEO companies. Some of these can improve your rankings. Others, however, can adversely affect your business.
A lot of the reasons behind using a company specialising in SEO no longer apply in the web-standards based development environment. Our web packages are built with all the best practices in mind. Because of this, large, expensive and involved after-market SEO campaigns are almost always unnecessary and usually have very little impact on your search enginge ranking.
Our web packages employ numerous techniques which help your site gain good results in search engines from day one. We use the following techniques to help you achieve good search engine rankings:
Structured, semantic HTML
Our web packages are built using the latest web standards best practices. The templates use semantic HTML and are styled with CSS. Microformats are also used throughout the packages. All of these factors help search engines understand your content and allow them to process the information better.
XML sitemaps
Our web packages automatically generate XML sitemaps for your entire site. When we complete your website, we also submit them to Google and Yahoo! This helps search engines find your site and all your pages. If your website is brand new, this is a great starting point, especially if your website does not have any incoming links.
Nice and SEO-friendly URLs
Our web packages also generate your page URLs based on the title of your page. This has a threefold effect. Firstly, it means the URLs are easy to read, understand and remember. Secondly, because the URLs are based on your page title, the keywords of each page are duplicated. Finally, search engines emphasise words within the URL, so your keywords are even stronger.
Every website we build, whether it’s a web package or completely custom, features all these SEO-based techniques.
Completing your SEO Campaign
There are two other influential factors which will help make your SEO campaign a success. First of all we can advise on the content for your site – remember content is king. And we can also help you build links to your website because the more ways search engines can find your site the better! These two factors will have the biggest impact in your search engine ranking.
If you wish to find out more, please get in touch.